USGL Initiatives

United States Grand Lodge Ordo Templi Orientis offers some direct educational programs that are outside of the Education Committee.

These include:

AIT - Advanced Initiator TrainingAdvanced Initiator Training

Advanced Initiator Training offers educational resources and training workshops to active, chartered initiators, facilitating their growth through the development of relevant skills. Additionally, AIT cultivates interest in, knowledgeability of, and zeal for our initiation rituals amongst O.T.O. members. U.S. Grand Lodge, Ordo Templi Orientis sponsors AIT. Training events are typically held twice per year at local bodies across the country.

The training is aimed at current Chartered Initiators who have already attended Initiator Training held by Certified Initiator Trainers and Sovereign Grand Inspectors General. However, if space is available, Master Magicians who have attended Initiator Training are welcome to attend. Presenters at AIT are experienced O.T.O. Initiators. All are either Certified Initiator Trainers or Sovereign Grand Inspectors General with years of education and experience in initiating the Man of Earth Degrees.


OTO Kaaba ColloquiumKaaba Colloquium

Kaaba Colloquium is dedicated to helping active O.T.O. initiates increase their leadership knowledge and skills, to discuss strategies, tactics, and advice on leadership roles and activities, and to meet with successful and prominent leaders from all over the nation.

While Kaaba is aimed at current and aspiring local body officers, it is open to any member in good standing, of the I degree or above, who wishes to attend.

Psychology Guild, Ordo Templi OrientisPastoral Counseling Workshop

The Pastoral Counseling Workshop is designed to provide the basic tools of (1) Basic counseling skills and techniques of intervention; (2) The basics of Family Dynamics and related social/psychological theories, as applied to Thelemic communities; (3) Ethical and legal issues in Thelemic pastoral counseling; (4) Psychiatric diagnostic categories, and basic approaches to assessment of mental illness and chemical dependency issues; (5) Tools for working with Crisis Intervention, Grief Counseling, Conflict Resolution, and Sexuality issues; (6) Training in the use of appropriate referrals to outside sources of assistance.


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