
USGL Local Body public events calendar.

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

The USGL Education Committee is pleased to announce the publication of the Local Body Public Events Calendar.
The Local Body Public Events Calendar is a service to help local bodies share their public events. It allows local bodies to attract a wider audience for their public offerings and, hopefully, will assist with financial sustainability during the uncertainty we are currently facing. The calendar also serves members of the Order to make connections within the broader O.T.O. community, while seeking out classes, lectures, and discussions related to their personal interests.
We hope the calendar can also help to spread The Law of Thelema by providing access to local body events to those members of the Order and the general public who do not live near a local body, and may otherwise have little or no access to Thelemic events and education. Many local bodies have expressed an interest in continuing some online events even after they are able to meet in person again; it is our intention that this calendar continue to serve local bodies to promote both virtual events and in-person events (when permitted).
All local bodies have the option to participate in the Local Body Public Events Calendar, and it is NOT too late to join. We will continue to add local bodies as they are ready. The Education Committee is also available to help local bodies plan and execute virtual classes. For more information on joining the calendar or assistance conducting online classes, please contact Soror Mackay
The calendar resides at Please share with your members!
We hope to “see” you soon.
Love is the law, love under will.

Education Committee news.

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

We have some exciting initiatives underway that I wanted to let you all know about! Presently we are working on our calendar, and soon it will be your one-stop-shop for finding public online events that you can attend. We’re also working on putting together a “Virtual Educators list” to make it easy to get in touch with members who are ready to present lectures and classes online. We’ll be regularly hosting online presentations, and as always we’ll be working on more educational modules that your local Master or Organizer can request.

We will send out announcements on this page when we make progress, so make sure to check in regularly. Thanks!

Love is the law, love under will.